Sunday, June 3, 2007

My Digital Darkroom

Observe cute Photo below that looks just fine to the naked eye. I would be happy with the colors and the lighting in this photo even if it stayed as is, wouldn't you?But I love this photo so much I want to see what else I can do to it by plaiying with my digital darkroom. And look at the amazing things that can happen! Stay tuned for more, I am just beside myself.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

It's Addicting

I couldn't resist; one more. Now Good Night. I've been at this for two hours.

I mean it... send me pictures that you'd consider having professionally turned into "Art" someday, with requests on what you might like done to them... this is your chance to get my mad skills (ha!) for FREE!

Nat's Art

Some before and afters...

I mean it when I said to send me stuff... here is some playing around with Natalie's pictures (hooray for my first volunteer!)
(I know this portrait looks grainy - it's supposed to. It looks reeeeally cool full size, but the internet just makes it look like I messed up.)

This one is tonight's favorite:

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Another Watercolor

I think the watercolors are my favorite sofar. Here's day-old Adrie in Grandpa Wood's hands.
Come on, email me some pictures so I can work my magic on prints besides my own!

Engagement Party

Above is just a small sample of the large image below. Sadly, the internet doesn't do a very good job of showing the detail in the actual photoart, but if printed largely the whole picture would look very Monet-like.

Happy Engagement, Erica and Ryan... too bad you missed the party!

Needs some work...

The pencil sketching made the nature scene look really cool but now it kinda looks like they're super-imposed on some random picture. I'll have to work on it more but I thought it was a neat idea.

Poster Look